Please be informed that I will be away, from Jul 18 to 21 (both date are inclusive) and I will try to post series 9 and 10, if it permits. Otherwise, I will do so when I came back on from Jul 22. This post, I am going brief you about:-
8. Inland Taipan
The prize for The Worlds Most Venomous Snake goes to the Inland Taipan of Australia. Just a single bite from this snake contains enough venom to kill 100 human adults or an army of 250,000 mice. Its venom is at least 200 - 400 times more toxic than a common cobra. The Inland Taipan's extremely neurotoxic venom can kill an adult human in as little as 45 minutes. Fortunately this snake is very shy and there has been no documented human fatalities (all known bites were treated with antivenin).
Although, it has never killed anyone, it does not mean that it won't in the future. I am sure you have heard about "prepare for the worst but hope for the best". Please stay with this blog, but to add more knowledge. Hope you will agree with me. Otherwise, please forward your thought and let me give it a due consideration. Thank you in advance.
That's all for this post.
Thanks for your time and seeing you again.
James Oh
James take a break, you need to reload your 'venom' to fight the last 9th & 10th venomous creatures. Haha
I am so afraid. Those are awesome pictures. Just think how harmless some of them look.
Be aware that you should not let your emotion to control you. But you should deal and overcome your fear and make yourself be the master of your mind and soul.
Thanks for sharing your wise thought here - never judge a book by its cover.
Thanks for your kind visit.
Thanks for your encouragement and I will definitely accept your kind advice, HSan.
You are right and I have found this solution, HSan.
Here, I like to share it with all of you here that I can only conquer them through love.
Love is the solution to conquer all evil forces.
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