Today, I write to share with you this powerful device which can empower you to do anything which you think it is not possible.
I named this equation as 3 Ps, derived from Passion, Persistence and Perception. They are the core elements of Successful Leadership. Here, I shall dwell with each of these elements in details, as append below.
An inspiring leader is one who has the desire to share his passion with subordinates so as to inspire action, commitment and ultimately success in other's life. As such, passion is self generated as you can motivate yourself to be excited about what you do.
According to Author Bill Strickland writes : "Passions are irresistible. They are the ideas, hopes, and possibilities your mind naturally gravitates to, the things you would focus your time and attention on."
He also believes that only by following your passion, you will unlock your deepest potential. His famous quotation -'I never saw a meaningful life that wasn't based on passion. And I never saw a life full of passion that wasn't, in some important way, extraordinary."
By now, you are able to see vividly, how passion can generate the extra energy to overcome the tiredness which otherwise seems not possible. No wonder there is no surprise to see passion generates extraordinary results. It is the inward strength which is overwhelming the external barriers.
ONCE you are passionate, then being persistent follows easily. One good example is of Thomas Edison, who achieved great success through repeated failures of more than 10,000 times which lead to more than 1,000 successful US patents. Imagine that if he is a lesser man, he would have given up much earlier than his first invention.
As such, a successful leader need to maintain his passion and persist with their chosen direction and explore all possibilities to ensure that one reach the pre-set destination no matter what.
Hence, failure never come to his mindset, but as a route of eliminating the wrong paths to Success. In short, in the journey of Success, he would feel the pain and move on. He enjoys every process as it serves as a new discovery to him.
Whether you like or not, human beings feed their minds with perception, whether real or unreal. This is because our mind cannot differentiate between real and unreal so long as we believe in the perception. It is well recognise truth that our action, feeling or behavior are the result of our thoughts and perceptions. As such, it is vitally important to realize that our perceptions are strongly inclined to our past experience, bias and prejudice that have been captured in our minds. As a result, we normally attach value with such perception, knowingly or not, which has significantly affected our views of looking at things.
Trust the above is helpful to you. Please practise it through your daily lives should you be keen to move towards success you aimed for. As Confucius says:' I see I forget, I read I remember , I do I understand.'
Now, I throw the ball to your court for you to think it through thoroughly. Please revert with feedback, good or bad are welcome.
Thank for your precious time and look forward to hearing from you,
James Oh