Hi! everyone,
In this article, I am going to discuss how to have breakthrough results. This automatically triggers our minds that we need to make drastic changes to produce it. That is not wrong at all. Why I say so? It is a lengthy process that not only requires a strong and unlimited mindset, but also a winning formula to deliver that remarkable result. Most of the past proven cases illustrate well this precarious point when you have to act against conventional wisdom. A very good illustration is when people at one time believe that the earth is flat. It needed very strong courage and determination to prove otherwise. However, conventional wisdom is equally important for a strong foundation. That foundation cannot be ignored at all.
To achieve anything, you must be able to visualise your breakthrough results in your mind first. Iit is crucial to begin with a vision and then use the ends to justify your means. For instance, if you want to fly, you must able to see how to fly and let the vision stick in your mind and heart. Then you will make use of the available means to make the end. Throughout the history of new inventions, we learned that the inventors always use means to facilitate their end. No doubt, the end may become clearer and clearer during the processes. In the flying example, the inventor learned that birds need wings to fly. That's how the aircraft was made. Over the years, they persistently improve with additional features to make the aircraft fly at higher altitude and faster speed.
An interesting point to note is that every creation must begin from our mind first. Similarly, to achieve breakthrough results, you need to know your goal and picture the end in your mind. In this regard, you need mental and spiritual qualities to overcome the physical defects.
To achieve the end result, an appropriate and effective approach is needed to carry out our task. Through your observations and testings, you are able to incorporate the changes, approaches, plans and actions so as to give you your desired results. Through elimination of the wrong paths, you will finally find the correct path leading to breakthrough results. Deep understanding of the means, system and approach are still relevant and equally important because you still need all these existing means to achieve breakthrough results. By now, you should able to see clearly how your approach need to be modified for desired results.
You also need to think creatively to find new solution. Here, you need to think out of the box to deliver that result. You need to use your whole brain - i.e the logical and the creative parts to work out the plan and action to generate breakthrough results. Therefore, creative thinking demands more than imagination that will plough through logic to seek for new means. In short, you need to stretch your mind to the maximum and play within the stipulated boundaries, instead of working within the box, which can only produce small incremental improvement.
Hence, creative thinking is really required to explore new ideas that could likely produce results. Needless to say that you can't repeat the same thing to produce different results. Innovative or modified solutions should be used. Change is the answer.
Vision alone is not sufficient. You need to put into action, your brillianct vision and integrate them well with the ultimate objective. Decisons and actions may not guarantee such breakthrough result. You need to stay focused on your ultimate goals, review the mistakes, learn from them and adjust the plan and your next act accordingly, until that remarkable result is achieved. You need a skill that will help you manage in a manner that, constantly produce the best possible results. It is crucial to note that adequate and rightful thinking will produce such results. Open mindset will help you review the feedback objectively and adjust your plan when you have thought more deeply or when things become clearer.
Our mindset mould us to have a fixed way of looking at things. So, to have breakthrough results, we need a powerful and dynamic mindset , which has unlimited beliefs. Our mindsets can range from a judgment to a strongly held opinion all the way to a bias or a prejudice. It is not suffice for us to learn or adopt a new mindset for the future, but we need to substitute those limiting ones and grow further.
To stay alert and active, you need time to have adequate and proper rest for your body, mind and soul. This is a skill, rather than an act. To reap maximum benefits, we need to acquire and master this skill. Do not confuse it with idling or inaction. A real relaxation will give us a refreshing feeling. To enhance our understanding, you may draw the same analogy with the performance of batteries after being recharged. This is crucial because your goal need to stay afresh in your mind while you are persistently working towards your end.
You can't do it alone. You need a system which can empower you to do far more than your own capability. We need to stay connected with others so that we can function as a united force to carry out that specific task. Human beings need connection with others. We especially need people for psychological and emotional support. Other scientific research has accumulated overwhelming evidence that having strong, supportive relationships is good for our mental and physical health.
Trust the above tips are helpful to you to build your path to healthy living. Remember that health, wellness and beauty are integrated issues and not separated as commonly believes.
Wishing you success,
James Oh