live life meaningfully and reap its greatest potential possible, we
need to have a definite purpose that guides our ambitions, vision, and
goals. Otherwise, we are just like the sailing boat without compass and
do not know where we are heading to. Please give it a serious thought
and define your life soonest possible.
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What was the past is not important and
what matters now is that each of us has specific talents and gifts that
are uniquely built within us. For those who have truly discovered their
REAL purpose, then we write to take this opportunity to congratulate
you. In this connection, greatly appreciate if you could enlighten us on
how you discover it. Thank you in advance for your kind action.
We strongly believe that we do not just pick up things we like doing by chance along our lives. What we are trying to say here is that we discovered what you are good at because we were meant to discover it. There is no coincidence, but rather that your legs are meant to walk instead of your hands. This is because it is created with that intent in the first place.
Therefore, it is appropriately right to say that your unique gifts are hardwired into your system just like the rest of your organs are assigned to function that particular blueprint integrated with the rest and function as a whole, so to speak.
Through these specific talents and gifts, you are able to define and determine your definite purpose as to why you are here, which you have been created for in the first place. What is in you that is distinctly different from another living human being. In fact, it is rarely possible that what you bring to the table has been duplicated since time began.
That is right! This “purpose” is a very serious business and that's why we bring this topic into today's discussion with the intention that you discover your real purpose if you have not done so. Otherwise, sad to say that everything else is wrong. We say so because it is just like working with a broken compass when you think you are heading North, but actually you are not. In short, if you are unsure which direction you are heading, you are just wandering aimlessly.
Without our purpose identified firmly in our mind, we will wander through life. We will not feel that we are “in the real flow, the way it supposed to be.” As such, it is imperative we recognize what it is that we are good at and what we really love and enjoy doing.
Our real purpose in this lifetime is to do the thing that we truly love, and not just to fulfill other's purpose which is not ours. As such, you are not to let non important issues distract your attention at all when you are sorting out your real purpose.
We strongly believe that we do not just pick up things we like doing by chance along our lives. What we are trying to say here is that we discovered what you are good at because we were meant to discover it. There is no coincidence, but rather that your legs are meant to walk instead of your hands. This is because it is created with that intent in the first place.
Therefore, it is appropriately right to say that your unique gifts are hardwired into your system just like the rest of your organs are assigned to function that particular blueprint integrated with the rest and function as a whole, so to speak.
Through these specific talents and gifts, you are able to define and determine your definite purpose as to why you are here, which you have been created for in the first place. What is in you that is distinctly different from another living human being. In fact, it is rarely possible that what you bring to the table has been duplicated since time began.
That is right! This “purpose” is a very serious business and that's why we bring this topic into today's discussion with the intention that you discover your real purpose if you have not done so. Otherwise, sad to say that everything else is wrong. We say so because it is just like working with a broken compass when you think you are heading North, but actually you are not. In short, if you are unsure which direction you are heading, you are just wandering aimlessly.
Without our purpose identified firmly in our mind, we will wander through life. We will not feel that we are “in the real flow, the way it supposed to be.” As such, it is imperative we recognize what it is that we are good at and what we really love and enjoy doing.
Our real purpose in this lifetime is to do the thing that we truly love, and not just to fulfill other's purpose which is not ours. As such, you are not to let non important issues distract your attention at all when you are sorting out your real purpose.
truth is that you can earn money at anything through Resources, Ideas,
Capital and Expertise. Once you have determined your purpose, you would
not even have to think hard on how to earn money. This is because once
you are doing what you love, you will be guided, as if, by an unseen
hand, heading to the right direction and everything will just falls into
place - Real and not imagined.
Therefore you must be cautious not to be mislead by the "truth" that the key to your life is to settle for the “safe” thing that will bring in money. But the real secured key, in fact, is to do what you really love. Fall in love with an idea or activity is begin to live actively. That is the breath of life! That is the purpose of life.
Therefore you must be cautious not to be mislead by the "truth" that the key to your life is to settle for the “safe” thing that will bring in money. But the real secured key, in fact, is to do what you really love. Fall in love with an idea or activity is begin to live actively. That is the breath of life! That is the purpose of life.
Thanks and please direct your circle of friends to read this article should you find it useful to you. Thanks for your time and efforts.
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