
Saturday, October 28, 2017


Dear everyone,

I have some great news for you. Everyone in this group qualifies for a free ebook if you believe that my book can benefit you. 

For those who cannot afford to purchase any of my ebooks. It will be given freely without any questions asked. 

Please give me an independence review of my book. Good reviews will, however, improve my sales and this will help me to pay my medical treatment for the big C.....treatment. 

Kindly drop me an email at and indicate the title of my ebooks. You may click at and choose the book(s) of your choice. 

I will respond to you within 48 hours. If you do not hear from me, please drop me a reminder, in case I left you out due to a high volume of email I received daily. 

Thank you and look forward to hearing from you,

With love and God bless,

James Oh


With tears flowing torrentially down my cheeks, I held the tiny lifeless bundle in my hands. I was shaking him frantically and screaming 'Wake up wake up!!!. Of course, he couldn't and his sweet face with eyes closed resembled someone in a deep slumber, oblivious to the world. I screamed at the doctor 'Do something to save my baby' I pleaded and pleaded and soon they took him away. I managed to whisper in his ear:" I will see that you get your justice. “Those were my last words to my lovely and innocent baby who was not given the opportunity to live. At that moment I let them took my baby away from me, in between sobs, I silently bow to my son and vowed to obtain justice for him, my dearest son. Rest In Peace!!!

Unfortunately, my wife who was in her third trimester and was due to give birth any-time started to complain that she was having abdominal pains the day after our eldest son was warded at the same hospital where my wife was having her prenatal check-ups. Immediately she was sent to the delivery ward at the hospital while I remained in my son's room to take care of him.

The ‘state of the art” hospital HARASSED me with internal phone calls demanding that I settle my wife’s petty consultancy fee of Rm15.00 at the counter immediately. I said I would do it as soon as I can find someone to take care of my sick son. However, the hospital was very nasty and adamant that I had to settle it immediately. I was so frustrated as I could not leave my one year who was sick son alone. In desperation, I threw the phone down to the floor. I was very upset and disappointed that I had chosen such a non-compassionate and inhuman hospital!!!!

I was taken aback to see my wife being wheeled back to my son's room. I thought everything was fine until my wife let out a scream that she felt a more acute pain.
She was then wheeled to the emergency ward only after a few heated arguments with the medical staff there. After the routine registration, we had to wait for our turn to see the medical officer. Can’t they see that this is an emergency? My wife was the case due to deliver any time now!!!! My patience was running out to explain repeatedly the severity of the case. Finally, my wife was allowed to see the medical officer in charge. Can you imagine how much time was wasted??

After the medical officer exchanged a few words with my wife, we were asked to go back and see the same midwife who had attended to her just now. She took 3 additional tests claiming that the earlier tests were not accurate. All these tests took almost an hour. What a waste of time !!! Was all these necessary???By this time my blood was boiling as she did not heed my suggestion of contacting my wife's gynecologist after the second test.

I did not know what happened to me then. Why did I allow them to do all these unnecessary tests and consultations? Why didn't I insist then she be sent to the labor room and the gynecologist be called immediately? Why didn’t I see the risks involved? What has happened to my usual rational and cautious self? I am to be blamed for my son being stillborn!!!

Given the circumstances, I literally had to bite my tongue and swallowed my anger after hearing all her ridiculous explanations.

Thank God she finally came to her senses and contacted the gynaecologist. I overheard her mentioned 'heavy flow' ( bleeding heavily). I immediately sensed something was terribly amiss.

After 20 minutes later, the gynaecologist arrived and immediately contacted
the personnel in charge of the operating theater through the phone.

After a short discussion, he slammed down his phone and rushed to the operating theater to deliver my baby. While I was grateful for the efficiency and devotion shown by the gynecologist, I was appalled at the lackluster and slipshod behavior of the other staff. Their attitude and work ethics were entirely different from what I watched on 911 series on television. If they had shown more enthusiasm and caring, my son may be alive today!

I was then accused by the gynaecologist that I failed to appreciate his effort in getting ready the operating theater to carry out the delivery in such a short span of time when I brought his attention to the fact that he could have called the operating theater to be on standby while he was on the way here. In my opinion, he should have the common sense and foresight to know what would be the next course of action after being briefed by the midwife. However, they were adamant not to disclose to me the conversation between them under the pretext of privacy when I wrote to them at a much later stage.
After a long and agonizing wait for the delivery to be over, the gynecologist came out with both good and bad news. I have done my best! he said. Your wife is well but I'm sorry to say that we couldn’t do anything to your baby! He was stillborn - my poor innocent baby. Can you imagine how distraught and devastated I was? I simply could not accept this tragedy after I have seen and witnessed what had happened prior to the delivery.

The gynecologist patiently explained to me numerous times what they had done. To them, they had done everything possible. On the contrary, I could not accept their explanations and actions as I was there, in person, to witness the whole scenario.

Upon my request for a written report, the gynaecologist quickly brushed aside my request. He told me that he was willing to explain to me until I fully understand their version of what had happened. I was adamant that I wanted the written report. His repeated refusals fueled my anger and I then gave him an ultimatum. Either a written report or the medical card. After he saw how furious and my unwillingness to budge he finally agreed to furnish me the report within 7 working days citing manpower shortage.

I was very upset and depressed at this tragic turn of events. I had awaited with much joy at his arrival but now I had to leave the hospital empty handed without my bundle of joy. On top of that, I had to comfort and to lend my shoulders to my equally devastated and grieving wife. You can imagine how much sorrow she was experiencing!. There was nothing we could do but to move on. However, the inhuman hospital staff would not let us grieve in peace. I then received a letter requesting additional deposit instead of the medical report the next day. It really blew my top and I immediately approached the gynecologist and demanded the medical letter. After several heated arguments, he finally agreed to shorten the initially agreed delivery date from 7 days to 3 working days.

When I received the medical report I was shocked to learn that the gynecologist had listed the reason for death as 'placenta eruption'. Why was I not informed then? Why now only made known to me?

I was not satisfied and unwilling to accept this verdict. Subsequently, I began to research this condition and at the same time began my law course. As I delve deeper into researching this rare situation I discovered and realized that it fitted exactly into the sequence of events, prior to the delivery. If this was the case why didn't hospital staff and gynecologist realize the urgency of the case, and hastened the delivery? Why take away an innocent life?

How could they not take immediate action and why was it necessary to carried out 3 tests by the midwife? To this day I still can’t understand the logic behind all this delay until it led to placenta eruption and killed my beloved baby. Where are all the evidence to that effect? I am sure this tragedy could have been avoided as there was only a delay of 10 to 20 minutes in carrying out the operation based on the medical report and the subsequent experts’ opinion report.

But my agonizing and desperate trip to Hell did not end here.

I was flabbergasted when I found out later that my wife's medication was mixed up with that of another patient's. Guess what was their excuse? In an attempt to cover up, they casually informed us that the mix-up was just a trivial matter as it only involved some vitamins. Obviously, this excuse was not acceptable even if it was true. No hospital has a right to give its patients another patient's medication no matter what. I could not accept such practices and decided to pursue the matter legally to ensure that justice and fairness were accorded. I wanted justice for my innocent baby !!!!

The hospital's CEO eventually interfered. All written correspondence was not entertained and he proposed a meeting at a nearby Hotel to resolve my grievances but he stipulated that under no circumstances could there be any recording devices or reporters present. Unfortunately, our meeting was not fruitful.

He then conducted an in-house inquiry without my presence and just furnished me with the findings. Of course, I was not satisfied and demanded an appointment with the Chairman of the inquiry for further clarification and explanation. The Chairman then summoned the CEO to address all my queries. He couldn't give me any acceptable answers so I push on for more clarifications. However this, in turn, agitated him and he lost his cool and threatened to call the police to chase me out of the hospital. I stood my ground and refused to be intimidated. By that time I was ready to take up any challenges. The Chairman interrupted our angry exchanges and agreed to furnish me a written report within 7 days.

Again, I was very disappointed with the written report as it was an insult to my intelligence. I then decided to pursue the matter legally. I then proceeded to approach several international law, firms to see if they were interested to take up my case. However, I was faced with disappointment after disappointment as all of them rejected my case due to conflict of interests. Was there nowhere in this world that I can go to seek justice??

I then try to seek alternative ways in my search for justice. I approached both the ruling and opposition political parties for advice but all in vain.

However, luck was with me when I managed to find a law firm who was willing to take up my case. Finally there was a firm who dared to take up the challenge to fight against a big corporate giant. However, my delight was short-lived. I was told by our counsel that our file was misplaced (lost) and he suggested that we re-file our documents. Based on my experience, I told him that reconstructing the file will be faster than refiling it.

However, the case was always postponed due to various factors. This eventually led me to take up the Law course myself. It also helped broadens my mind and gave me a better understanding of how to structure my strategies to make my case stronger rather than having to seek the expert's opinion.

Meanwhile, as I was embarking on my journey trying to search for answers to my questions, it was then I noticed that some UK judges actually consulted the Bible for solutions to the cases they were judging.

My friends, my advice is: always cultivate and nurture good health; should you need medical treatment, please be vigilant and be selective of the medical establishment that you choose.

More importantly, whenever any tragedy struck you, never let your past experiences impair your future. Your past cannot be altered but your future does not deserve any punishment. Learn to let go and move on with an open mind, a happy soul, and a forgiving heart.

This work also gives due recognition of the role of God in my life and how my belief in Jesus Christ, had transformed me and empowered me to overcome this tragic incident.

I know, it is easier said than done. It took me years before I finally came to senses and came out from my Hell living. Only did I realise that I had wasted so many valuable years of my life.

Prior to this personal transformation, I held on to many guilt, regrets, and fear. The
most significant consequence of these led me to lose my purpose in life and
passion for my profession.

My anger, regrets, and self-worthlessness contribute to my fearful and hopeless life
in the world full of injustice. During that period, I was powerless, emotional,
mentally and spiritually exhausted to fix the situation in a way that would have
worked out for me.

My feelings of emptiness were finally gone and the hole in my heart was filled. At
last, I was very happy for my son that Lord called him back so that he is not tainted
by sin. Now, he is in heaven with Him.

A spark of the moment, my sadness turns into happiness. I became relieved. In a
moment, in the twinkling of an eye, I was healed. I no longer had to wonder about
my stillborn son. My mind is finally at peace and there is nothing missing from
my life. My heart is still rejoicing, my self-esteem is higher than it has ever been,
and my place in this world is crystal clear. Nobody can take away the joy that I
have found. It’s mine and it is permanent.

Today, after many years of Bible study and living as a Christian, I ultimately have
the joy, peace, and fulfillment that were absent from my soul. I seek for this for
years and my efforts were not wasted as He promised:

Prior to this personal transformation, I held on to many guilts, regrets and fear. The most significant consequence of these led me to lose my purpose in life and passion in my profession. 

My anger regrets n self-worthlessness contributed to a fearful, hopeless sorrowful and hopeless life in this world which is full of injustices. During this period of torment, I was powerless, emotionally mentally and spiritually exhausted to adapt to this world.

When I accepted Jesus into my life my feelings of emptiness and sorrow evaporated and the empty hole in my heart was filled. I could feel the sunshine creeping back into my life. At last, I can rejoice for my son who was called back to be with the Father in heaven. Bless you, my son. Praise the Lord.

The Lord Jesus has transformed my life. He has changed my sadness into happiness. I am relieved that I have been healed.  I no longer had to worry about my stillborn son for I know he is rejoicing in Heaven with his Saviour. I have finally found peace n there is nothing missing from my life. My life is more complete than before and my self-esteem is higher. There are meaning and purpose in my life now.  Nobody can take away the joy that I have found.  It is mine and it is permanent

I am standing here stronger than before for now I have been living my life for His glory. As such I hope and pray that my story will encourage others to find the inner peace they are seeking, to let go of any unpleasant memory n to develop a real and intimidate relationship with the Mighty and Loving God

Friday, October 27, 2017


Dear all,
The letter below, I received from the SJMC more than two decades ago, has a significant impact on my life.
I did not know what happened to me then. Why did I allow them to do all the unnecessary tests and consultations? Why didn’t I insist then she be sent to the labour room and the gynecologist be called immediately? Why didn’t I see the risks involved? What has happened to my usual rational and cautious self? I am to be blamed for my son being stillborn!!!
This event has subsequently led me to publish the ebook, Letting Go and Moving On, which I am currently upgrading it to the second edition.
This book discloses some powerful techniques I successfully engaged to let go of this painful event and move on with my new transformed life, as a Christian.
This ebook can be reviewed or purchased from Smashwords, at
Now, I am even faced with a much greater magnitude of challenges, that prompted me to revisit this book while working on his 9th book, Cancer - Fear or Inspiration.
Will I succeed this time, only time will prevail? What matters most to me now is to improve my inner strength further so as to be a significant contributor to this planet.
Again, God is using me again as a vessel to glorify God. This is because I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. You may see that the burden is far beyond needs my own strength. Therefore, God needs to intervene and shoulder me through these trials.
So, let us continue to pray that Lord will maintain and sustain him. Let us pray that I strengthened can share his experience through Ted talk in the near future. By doing so, I am able to inspire and uplift others through Christ, who strengthened me. PTL
Smashwords – Interview with James Oh

Thursday, October 26, 2017


Very Happy morning everyone,
I have a good news for you that I was invited by Mdm Teoh Poh Yew, (my mentor) to attend Ted talk alive in KL, as an audience for this coming Oct 28, 2017. She is willing to teach me few techniques to breakthrough so that I can be one of the Ted talk speakers in the near future. One step closer to my another mission. As such, I must survive through this trial period.
Please uphold me in your prayers and now I need God’s grace and mercy and I know very well that I am not fighting alone.

See you there,

James Oh

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Dear all,

To me, every human being born in this world is special and unique just like the glittering stars in the sky. They are like a rare hidden jewel waiting to be discovered. I am also no different. Though I have been struck by the big C....., I have already started by writing as a way of contributing to the society. I do not wish to be idle and grieved over my misfortunes.  Instead, i have already started writing and sharing my experiences or encounters with this deadly disease.  Though I will be entrusted with the side effects of chemotherapy I will not give up but will try my best to pen my journey in battling the big C...  and sharing with everybody. I hope it will be encouraging and motivating to those who are in the same boat as me. Through my journals, it is my fervent wish that it will help those who are about to give up to persevere. I want to let everyone know that nothing is impossible and if there is a will there will be away.

Though I am now undergoing treatment for my disease, I would not like to be seen as a social liability.  This is not me. If there are people who regard me as such then you are terribly wrong and have done me a great injustice. I am not going to solicit donations to undergo treatment. I swear to myself that I will be independent and will bear the costs myself. I sincerely hope that I can manage to pay my medical costs. Once I have completed my treatment and have recuperated long enough, I will look for other sources of income. To update I have already published 8 e-books. They can be reviewed or purchased from Smashwords, at

In the meantime, as I undergo treatment I will continue to write. I pray to God to shield me from whatever side effects and give me strength so that I can share my experiences and my journey to recovery. Writing is going to be my livelihood henceforth. Who knows I may be lucky.

Hahaha!!! It's good to daydream. However, it may happen... Anyway if it ever materialized I will be a philanthropist and will help anyone irrespective of race or religion. Yes, I will be positive and will turn this adversity into an opportunity, of course, with God's help and mercy.

Here I would like to pray to God to heal me. Give me another chance to live my life and to be a testimony to You. Lift me up, my Lord.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Miracle Oh Miracle !!!

Miracle Oh Miracle !!!

Hi everyone,

The words of the oncologist kept ringing in my ears. The most I give you is 6 months to one year if you do not continue your chemotherapy treatment. These words kept ringing in my mind. As I made my way out of the clinic, I was so desperate and distressed. If you have followed my article titled 'God have Mercy' you will know that I have a few personal missions to accomplish. However, the doctor went on to tell me that even if I continue with chemotherapy my chance of surviving the next 5 years will be only 20%. Such motivating information to induce me to continue with chemotherapy? I couldn't think, I was at a loss as to what to do. I then decided to call my daughter to see if she is free to accompany for a few hours. Seeing that my life may end soon, I decided to have a feast and go on a shopping spree with my daughter. I felt much better after the outing. I proceeded to eat the king of fruits which I am been longing for but was forbidden from partaking it. I don't care since eat or don't eat also does not make any difference.

After that, I went home and sat down to think rationally. I cannot accede defeat. I am strong and I have faith in God to heal me. I am not going to be influenced by the statistics and be gunned down by the odds.

Therefore I decided I am going to condition my mind to erase the word cancer from it. From the latest scientific research you can condition your mind by using creative imagination or by faking it until you really feel that it is real

In my case, I am not suffering from cancer. It is possible to make our mind think like that because our mind can't differentiate real or fake situation. With this, I am going to behave like a normal person n do normal things. I will just focus on happy thoughts n actions. A healthy mind will breed a healthy body and the cancer cells if any in my body will slowly dissipate. Yes, a miracle can happen. It had happened once and it can happen again.

I had lived with the notion that I am a Hepatitis B carrier for decades. I accepted that verdict from the doctor decades ago but because of my condition, I had to do a blood test. Miraculously the test was negative. I couldn’t believe my ears when the doctor told me. I had a test to reconfirm the results. It is true. Praise the Lord. 

I read that there is an alternative technique called As-if technique.  It is by way of self-manipulating your mind to make it believe that you have achieved the state of mind that you craved. In my case, I am no longer a cancer patient. It will then fuel your emotion and your senses to accept that created state. I am definitely going to condition my brain to eradicate the word cancer from my mind. It will no longer be in my .vocabulary. I will continue to focus on eating healthy and doing exercise as well as continue my treatment. The rest I will leave to God's hands. 

Please share and continue to upload me in your prayers. Thank you.

Monday, October 23, 2017


Hi! Gals and Guys,

No one is born perfect. Since accepting Christ in my life, I let Christ transform Me into a new creation. I believe and have trust in God that I will be able to walk by faith, not by sight.  I need to rid my mind of any unhealthy thoughts and only allow the right and positive thoughts to prevail.

For the remaining part of my life, I would like to lead a happy and meaningful life. I am going to accept things as it is and will not try to be biased or to discriminate. I will weigh everything carefully before passing judgment. Try to keep my cool and be patient and to control my thoughts and actions so as not to voluntarily cause hurt to others. My motive in life is simple; to make others happy so that I too am happy. I believe that if I am happy my health will also improve. 

I now endeavor to make my life better and not bitter. I no longer want to compete and compare with others. I am going to be satisfied with what God has given me. All this while I was caught up in the rat race trying to be better and accumulate more wealth than others. When I see others more successful than me, I would work myself harder. No longer am I interested in achieving all this. A simple and healthy life is what I aspire now. I want to create a New and Better me. My own trademark and own identity.

To me, I need to preserve my health and stay so as not to burden my beloved family. If anything happens to me, they will be distressed and I will also not be happy as I have not achieved my missions. Therefore I now pray to God to grant me good health.

In my journey to seek good health and happiness, I must constantly remind myself not only to maintain healthy thoughts but also to love and care unconditionally all those close to me. I must protect them and ensure that they too are happy. Now I constantly seek guidance from God and pray for his wisdom to guide me. 

I seek your help to ask the Lord to empower me to carry out all these tasks. Yes, I can do it through Christ who strengthens me. You are the Lord of all possibilities and nothing is impossible for you.

Sunday, October 22, 2017



Dear all, 

Life is ironic but yet beautiful. To some people life is beautiful. They know how to capitalise their resources to make life great and beautiful. While to another person life is such a misery trying to make ends meet or trying to cure that deadly disease. Therefore it is not easy to classify life into categories but to look it at different perspectives.

Whatever we do not take life for granted. It is to our advantage to always love our body and to take care of it appropriately so that we can stay healthy and happy. Be aware that stress is a silent killer. So stay away from it by remaining calm and relax although the situation may not permit. Constantly remind ourselves that there is no point in getting worked up. Always treat our body with care and not like a machine. Be gentle and stay calm always.

Never overwork,
Never under work,
Don't "don't" work.

Try never to argue with another person if he chose not to be rational or reasonable.  Accept things as they are. There is no point not interested in listening to your viewpoints. They will accept whatever reasons they are more comfortable with. We are living in the age of technology where social media is rampant. People are actively engaged in it to expose whatever they are not happy about. Be transparent and make sure that we do not intentionally or unintentionally hurt another person so do not have to be wary about being exposed. Be wise and be transparent. Treat people with respect and in turn, you will be treated with respect.  Remember it is better to give than to receive.

Respect cannot be bought. It has to be earned. Therefore always adhere to the rhymes below:

Happiness keeps you sweet!
Trials keep you strong!
Sorrows keep you human!
Failure keeps you Humble!
Success keeps you Glowing!
But only, Faith keeps you Going!
So, walk by faith, and not sight.

Self-assessed Questions

a. Do we want to accept and enjoy life as it is?

b. Do you want more out of life than what you are capable of?

Do not compare yourself with people who are better off than you are. Never aspire to own things that you can't afford. This will lead to your destruction as you will get into debts just to show off . Be humble and be satisfied with what God has given you. 

Jealousy and envy will not bring you happiness

Some people are never satisfied with what they have. For instance, you may not like your life but there are others who would like to be in your shoes.

A child on a farm sees a plane fly overhead dreams of flying. But, a pilot on the plane sees the farmhouse and dreams of returning home.

No one can have a perfect life. It is up to you to modify it to suit your need. Be thankful to God that you are still alive. Therefore :

That's life
Be happy
Enjoy yours

The fundamental lies :

If wealth is the secret to happiness, then the rich should be dancing on the streets. But only poor kids do that.  

If power ensures security, then VIPs should walk unguarded. But those who live simply, sleep soundly.  

If beauty and fame bring ideal relationships, then celebrities should have the best marriages. 

The moral Is to 
Live simply, 
be happy! 
Walk humbly and love genuinely! 

A beautiful message is not only to be read but to apply practically in our personal life but also to be shared with all people who are dear and truly loved by us.