
Monday, October 23, 2017


Hi! Gals and Guys,

No one is born perfect. Since accepting Christ in my life, I let Christ transform Me into a new creation. I believe and have trust in God that I will be able to walk by faith, not by sight.  I need to rid my mind of any unhealthy thoughts and only allow the right and positive thoughts to prevail.

For the remaining part of my life, I would like to lead a happy and meaningful life. I am going to accept things as it is and will not try to be biased or to discriminate. I will weigh everything carefully before passing judgment. Try to keep my cool and be patient and to control my thoughts and actions so as not to voluntarily cause hurt to others. My motive in life is simple; to make others happy so that I too am happy. I believe that if I am happy my health will also improve. 

I now endeavor to make my life better and not bitter. I no longer want to compete and compare with others. I am going to be satisfied with what God has given me. All this while I was caught up in the rat race trying to be better and accumulate more wealth than others. When I see others more successful than me, I would work myself harder. No longer am I interested in achieving all this. A simple and healthy life is what I aspire now. I want to create a New and Better me. My own trademark and own identity.

To me, I need to preserve my health and stay so as not to burden my beloved family. If anything happens to me, they will be distressed and I will also not be happy as I have not achieved my missions. Therefore I now pray to God to grant me good health.

In my journey to seek good health and happiness, I must constantly remind myself not only to maintain healthy thoughts but also to love and care unconditionally all those close to me. I must protect them and ensure that they too are happy. Now I constantly seek guidance from God and pray for his wisdom to guide me. 

I seek your help to ask the Lord to empower me to carry out all these tasks. Yes, I can do it through Christ who strengthens me. You are the Lord of all possibilities and nothing is impossible for you.

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