
Sunday, June 6, 2010


Hi! Folks,

Inflation is the phenomena in the whole world. As such, we have to take some positive steps /measures to overcome this issue collectively. For those who have regularly read our articles, you may have learn some practicable means to fight against this uninvited inflation.

1. Saving through Green

We have written numerous articles on Green Issues and offered you numerous useful and practicable tips to reduce your electricity and fruit consumption bills. Another area you may consider is growing vegetables yourselves if you have the space to do so.

2. Zero inflation

In the past, numerous profound economists jointly advocated this theory and they claimed that it is viable. However, sad to say that this economic model has not been brought to fruition after such a long period and the idea seems to have evaporated. Here, we invite this genius not to give up this excellent model and create a remarkable record for themselves.

3. If the zero inflation is practicable as they claimed, we can't understand why no one improves on this model further and achieve negative inflation. 

We are certain that the negative inflation will be even more popular than the former. Let us think harder on how to make this model viable for all human beings.

4. 3R - Reduce, Reused and Recycle

We are very confident that lots of resources can be either reduced, reused and recycled. Perhaps you may refer to our articles for those useful tips especially on the green issues. By doing so, we are confident we can cut down the usage and hence lower down the inflation rate to a certain extent by way of reducing its demand assuming that the supply remain constant.

5. Cut down the wastages

There are so many ways whereby we can reduce  wastage by enhancing knowledge so as to use the natural resources in a  more efficient and effective manner. For instance we can operate our car in a certain manner where we can achieve fuel efficiency.

6. Using Biological means
This is another viable and practicable way to substitute man made appliance, which is much lower in term of operating costs. For those who have read our preceding articles on the above issue, you may notice that several indoor plants can be served as air purifier, etc. For details, please read the link below:-
7. Consume raw instead of cooked food

Certain food is best consumed raw or medium rare and not well done. By taking raw or medium rare food, we not only obtain best nutrition from the food but can also cut down on our electricity bill.

8. Not to indulge in unhealthy commodities speculation by creating artificial demands

At times, it is not the real inflation per se, but rather man made type through heavy speculation by creating artificial demands that cause inflation. Hence, pushing the price of certain commodities to extremely high levels.

9. Establish a more realistic inflation benchmark which is more reflective of the situation. 

No doubt, low inflation is preferred because it shows things are in control. However, a misleading index may not drive the economy correctly based on this figure,especially the official ones. By doing so, the economy may be in the mess, unless you adjust this figure, especially official ones so as not to drive the economy to the wrong direction.  

This sensible approach in using certain selected items as the basket of goods to compute the inflation rate seems acceptable. However, if these items comprise  mostly controlled items, then the figure will not serve its intended purpose. Our argument is that since the sample selected is not representative of the population, then the sample should be changed so as to reflect its population. Hence the economic forces that are driven based on this index will not be inappropriate.

As far as investors are concerned, they can easily calculate their net return, after the adjustment of the official inflation rate with certainty. Hence you can see how the economy will be more healthy and the confidence level will also be enhanced.

And last but not least we hope that the above discussion has given you an insight as how to curb inflation, which is the world phenomena.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you,

Your Chief Servant,

James Oh

Founder and Group CEO

Skype me at james.oh18

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